LNMU PET 2018 Result – Lalit Narayan Mithila University – Admission from 20th August

list of arts college in LNMU Darbhnaga

list of arts college in LNMU DarbhnagaPET 2018 RESULT OF LNMU Darbhanga

Lalit Narayan Mithila University has declared the Result of Post Graduation Entrance Examination. PET Result has been published for the session 2018-2020. LNMU PET Result has been published for the 11 subjects as mentioned below.  A total of 12273 students have participated in the Exam. studybihar.in has published the Result of LNMU PET EXAM Result 2018.

Here are the Important Dates related to LNMU PET RESULT and Admission 2018 :

  1. Cut for the Admission will be published on 19th of August.
  2. Admission in PG will start from 20th of August to 30th August.
  3. Total Seats in PG is 6120.
  4. Merit List has been published for the PG Admission in LNMU.

Here are the PET Subjects wise Result :


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