Bihar B. Ed. Common Entrance Test (CET-BED)-2021 LNMU Apply Online,
Admit Card, Examination Date, Fee Structure, Exam Pattern/Syllabus, Exam Centre
Bihar B. Ed. Common Entrance Test (CET-BED)-2021
Regular, Distance and Shiksha Shastri, Nodal University
Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Kameshwaranagar, Darbhanga
Click here to See the Details of 4 Year B.Sc-B.Ed Integrated Entrance Examination
Click here to Download Admit Card and check Exam Date
The Student who wants to Make their career in teaching profession, they can Apply for this B.Ed Course. The Admission will be held in this Course on the basis of Entrance Examination. It is 2 years Course, the students can apply for this course after completing their Graduation Course.
- The Entrance Examination will be held through Lalit Narayan Mithila University (LNMU).
- The Examination will be held in two Group due to Social Distancing.
- 1st Group Examination will be held from 10 Am and the 2nd Group Exam will be held from 2 Pm.
- Total 1 Lakh 30 thousand Student had applied for this Entrance Examination.
- 65 Thousand Student will give Examination in 1st Group and the remaining will give in the 2nd Group.
- Question of both groups will be asked differ from each other.
- Date of Examination – 30th May
- Admit Card will be uploaded Soon.
- Result may be released after one month of Examination.
- Total 160 Centre made all over Bihar for this Exams
Schedule | |
Notification for Online Application Form | 10.04.2021 |
Submission of Online Application Form (Without Fine) |
11.04.2021 to 07.05.2021 |
Submission of Online Application Form (With Fine) |
08.05.2021 to 10.05.2021 |
Editing in Online Form and Last Date of Fee Payment | 11.05.2021 & 12.05.2021 |
Date of Issue of Admit Card | 25.05.2021 |
Date of Entrance Test | 30.05.2021 |
Date of Uploading Answer Key | 01.06.2021 |
Date of Publication of Results | 11.06.2021 |
Application Fee | |
Unreserved | ₹ 1000/- |
EBC / BC / EWS / Women / Divyang | ₹ 750/- |
SC/ST | ₹ 500/- |
Mode of Payment | Debit Card / Credit Card / Internet Banking |
Examination Centre :
Students have to reach their Examination Centre before 45 minutes of Exam Time with wearing Gloves and Mask due to Safety from Pandemic Covid-19.
- Muzaffarpur : 21 Centre , 42292 Students
- Patna : 42 Centre , 14851 Students
- Gaya :10 Centre , 14233 Students
- Chhapra : 7 Centre , 4160 Students
- Ara : 9 Centre , 7541 Students
- Purnea : 14 Centre , 5760 Students
- Munger : 6 Centre , 3441 Students
- Bhagalpur : 17 Centre , 8769 Students
- Madhepura : 9 Centre , 7099 Students
- Darbhanga : 24 Centre , 14189 Students
General Category Students have to qualified with 35% Marks and Reserves Category have to qualified with 30% Marks for getting Admission, otherwise they will be disqualify.
Important Links :
A. Apply Online :
B. Download Prospectus : LNMU CET BED Exam 2020-2022 – Download Prospectus Apply online
For any Problem Call : 9431040712/ 9431040713
List Of B. Ed. College Under Universities of Bihar
- Patna University, Patna
- Aryabhatt_Gyan_University_Patna
- Bhimrao_Ambedkar_Bihar_University_Muzaffarpur
- Bhupendra_Narayan_Mandal_University_Madhepura
- Jai_Prakash_University_Chapra
- Kameshwar_Singh_Darbhanga_Sanskrit_University_Darbhanga
- Lalit_Narayan_Mithila_University_Darbhanga
- Magadh_University_Bodhgaya
- Maulana_Majhar-ul-Haq_Arabic_and_Persian_University_Patna
- Munger_University_Munger
- Nalanda_Open_University_Patna
- Patliputra_University_Patna
- Purnea_University_Purnea
- Tilka_Manjhi_Bhagalpur_University_Bhagalpur
- Veer_Kunwar_Singh_University_Aara
बी.एड.प्रवेश परीक्षा फॉर्म 2021 भरने के न��र्देश
(Instruction to fill B. Ed. Entrance Exam Form 2021)
1. बिहार बी.एड. कॉमन एंट्रेंस टेस्ट (CET-BED) -2021 फॉर्म भरने से पहले,दिशा निर्देशों को ध्यान से पढ़ें।
(Before filling up the Bihar B. Ed. Common Entrance Test (CET-BED)-2020 form, please read the instructions carefully.)
2. नए आवेदकों को “Registration for New User” लिंक पर क्लिक करना होगा जिससे “Create User” पेज खुल जाएगा।
(As a first time user, applicants have to create the user account by clicking on the “Registration for New User Account” link. It will open the “Create User” Page.)
3. “Create User” पृष्ठ के अंतर्गत, सभी जानकारियों को भरना अनिवार्य है जिन्हें तारांकित चिह्न (*) द्वारा इंगित किया गया है ।
(Under the “Create User” page, all fields are mandatory to be filled in which are indicated by an asterisk(*) mark.)
4. आवेदक अपना नाम ठीक उसी तरह दर्ज करेंगे जैसा कि माध्यमिक बोर्ड सर्टि��िकेट में उल्लेखित है।
(Applicant shall enter his/her name exactly as mentioned in Xth Board Certificate)
5. जिन आवेदकों के पास वै�� ईमेल-आईडी नहीं है, उन्हें नया “User” बनाने से पहले ईमेल-आईडी बनाना होगा। आवेदकों को यह भी सुनिश्चित करना होगा कि ईमेल-आईडी और पासवर्ड को भविष्य के सभी पत��राचार / स��दर्भ के लिए सुरक्षित रखा जाए।
(Applicants who do not have a valid email-id must create an email-id before creating new account. The applicant must also ensure that the email-id and password is kept handy and safely for all the future correspondence/reference.)
6. नए “User”के निर्माण की पुष्टि के लिए आपके मोबाइल नंबर पर एक ओटीपी भेजा जाएगा। पुष्टि करने के लिए उस ओटीपी को भरें।
(For confirmation an OTP will be sent to your mobile number. Fill that OTP to confirm creation of the new user account.)
7. आगे बढ़ने से पहले, अपने पासपोर्ट आकार का फोटोग्राफ, बाएं हाथ के अंगूठे का निशान और हस्ताक्षर की स्कैन कॉपी तैयार रखें। स्कैन की गई तस्वीर का आकार, बाएं हाथ का अंगूठे का निशान और हस्ताक्षर अलग-अलग 20 KB से 50KB तक एवं JPG फॉर्मेट में होना चाहिए। हस्ताक्षर केवल काली स्याही के बॉल पेन से किए जाने चाहिए।
(Before proceeding further, keep scanned copy of your passport size Photograph, Thumb Impression of Left Hand and Signature ready. Size of scanned Photograph, Thumb Impression of Left Hand & Signature should be 20 kb to 50 kb and foramat should be JPG. Signature should be made only with black ink ball pen.)
8. फोटोग्राफ, अंगूठे का निशान और हस्ताक्षर अपलोड करें और फॉर्म भरने के लिए आगे बढ़ें।
(Upload the Photograph, Thumb Impression and Signature, when required, and proceed to fill the Form.)
9. “Create User” पृष्ठ को पूरा करने के बाद, पृष्ठ के नीचे दिए गए “Sign Up” बटन पर क्लिक करें।
(After completing the “Create User” Page, click “Sign Up” button given at the bottom of the Page.)
10.सफल लॉगिन प्रणाली के बाद, Username और Password उत्पन्न होगा। दिए गए क्रेडेंशियल के साथ लॉगिन करें और भविष्य के उपयोग के लिए पासवर्ड बदलें।
(After successful Login, system will generate the unique Username and Password. Login with the given credentials and change the password for future usage.)
Download Examination Pattern and Syllabus
BIHAR B. ED. COMBINED ENTRANCE TEST : 2021 (CET-BED:2020) Regular Mode/Distance Mode/Shiksha Shastri Nodal University LALIT NARAYAN MITHILA UNIVERSITY Kameshwaranagar, Darbhanga