Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University
Digitization of all process Admission, Examination, Result
Here is the very good news for the Students of Bihar University. Now BRA Bihar University is going to be digitized all the process related to University. Now University kept all the record in Digital mode. By this way no more confusion and no need to be more worried about their Result and information about the Examination and other types of Information related to their College and Bihar University.
Bihar University will complete online “TR” of about 50 Lakh students.
So, now most students mind have arise the same questions that what is “TR”, so lets know first what is TR meaning in University.
What is TR ?
TR stands for “Tabulating Register”. Tabulation means to kept the data safe in Table mode like in clearly in Rows or Columns by which any data can easily read in future.
Here Tabulating Register means the Systematic and safely secure data of Students like their Admission Details, Examination Details, Exam Marks and other Information of students.
Problems have to face without Digitization :
Till now this TR-Tabulating Register had maintained on Paper work due to which some papers had destroyed which becomes a big problem so overcome this problem now University is going to be done Online Tabulating Register.
Reason for Pending Result :
By this Digitization Pending of Result problem will also overcome, because the main reason of Pending result is the not clear and safe Tabulating Register. The result will be released with the help of TR. All Marks are recorded in TR. so by digitization TR be safe and result not being more pending.
By this way, all records will be save and students can get their information like their Certificate, Degree and more other records.