Lalit Narayan Mithila University
Post Graduation 1st Semester Examination Result
The Students who had appeared in the Post Graduation 1st Semester Examination which was held in the month of January 2020 through LNMU and waited for their Result are notified that their may be declared in the month of march 2020
LNMU recently uploaded the Result on its official website. Students who had appeared in these Examination, they can check their Result from here by just clicking on the link which is given below :
Click here to Check PG 1st Semester Result
Steps to Check Result :
- Click on the above mentioned link
- A new page will be opened.
- Select the PG 1st Semester (Regular) Result 2019.
- Enter the roll number and Parents Name in the new opened box.
- Then click on Submit option.
- Your Result will be appear.