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Trained candidates to get 10 years age relaxation in Bihar TET 2020 – Age Limit and Exam Schedule

bseb logo Bihar School Examination Board amended Preliminary Teacher Eligibility Test(TET) criteria.In the Amendment,10 years of age relaxation is given to all categories Trained candidates in their maximum age limit. Now maximum age limit for General category candidates is 45 years,previously it was 35 years.

You are seeing Bihar TET Teacher Age Limit 2020

The age limit for female candidates is become 48 years.And this age relaxation of 10 years is applicable to all categories candidates like General and female categories candidates. Anand Kishor,The Board Secretary, informed that the Age Limit relaxation has been amended through the order of Education Department,Bihar .Now candidates can fill their Application form.

Age Limit

The Minimum age limit is 21 years and the upper age limit is different for different categories. Have a look:

Category Age Limit
Male 37 years
Female 40 years
OBC 40 years
SC/ST 42 years

Bihar TET Exam Schedule 2020

Paper Date Timing Duration Marks

(Primary Teacher)

November 2020


10:00 AM to 12.30 PM 2.30 hours 150

(Higher Primary Teacher)

2.00 PM to 04.30 PM 2.30 hours 150

Bihar TET Exam Pattern 2020

In both Paper I & Paper II, a total of 150 questions will be asked in Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) format from sections such as Child Development and Pedagogy, Language, Maths, Science and from the subject chosen by the candidates. Check the detailed exam pattern here for Paper 1 & 2. Candidates can choose the language from Hindi, English, Urdu, Bangla, Maithili and Sanskrit.

Bihar TET Paper I Exam Pattern
Section No. of Questions Marks Duration
Child Development and Pedagogy 30 30 2.5 hours
Language-I 30 30
Language-II 30 30
Mathematics 30 30
Environmental Studies 30 30
Total 150 150 2.5 hours
Bihar TET Paper II Exam Pattern
Section No. of Questions Marks Duration
Child Development and Pedagogy 30 30 2.5 hours
Language-I 30 30
Language-II 30 30
Mathematics/Science/Social Studies 60 60
Total 150 150 2.5 hours

Bihar TET Syllabus 2020

Child Development and Pedagogy: Concept of development and its relationship with learning;  Principles of the development of children; Influence of Heredity; Socialization processes; Concepts of child-centered and progressive education; Critical perspective of the construct of Intelligence; Multi-Dimensional Intelligence; Language & Thought; Gender roles & bias; Learning and Pedagogy; How children think and learn; Children’s strategies of learning; Child as a problem solver and Motivation and learning

Language I & Language II: Reading Comprehensions; Grammar; Pedagogy of Language Development; Learning and acquisition; Principles of language Teaching; Role of listening and speaking; Challenges of teaching language; Language Skills; Evaluating language comprehension; Teaching- learning materials

Mathematics: Geometry; Shapes & Spatial Understanding; Number system; Addition and Subtraction; Multiplication; Division; Measurement; Weight; Time; Volume; Data Interpretation; Money; Nature of Mathematics/Logical thinking; Place of Mathematics in Curriculum; Language of Mathematics; Community Mathematics;  Problems of Teaching; Error analysis & Remedial Teaching

Environmental Studies: Family and Friends; Food & Shelter; Water; Travel; Concept and scope of EVS; Significance of EVS; Environmental Studies & Environmental Education; Learning Principles; Scope & relation to Science & Social Science; Activities; Experimentation; Discussion; & Problems

Social Studies/Social Sciences: Have a look at section-wise syllabus:

History – When, Where and How, The Earliest Societies, First Farmers and Herders, First Cities, Early States, New Ideas, First Empire, Contacts with Distant lands, Political Developments, Culture and Science, New Kings and Kingdoms, Sultans of Delhi, Architecture, Creation of an Empire, Social Change, Regional Cultures, Establishment of Company Power Rural Life and Society, Colonialism and Tribal Societies, Revolt of 1857-58, Women and reform, Caste System, Nationalist Movement, India After Independence

Geography – Geography as a social study and as a science, Planet: Earth in the solar system, Globe, Environment in its totality: natural and human environment, Air, Water, Human Environment: settlement, transport and communication, Resources: Types-Natural and Human, Agriculture

Social and Political Life – Diversity, Government, Local Government, Making a Living, Democracy, State Government, Understanding Media, Unpacking Gender, Constitution, Parliamentary Government, Judiciary, Social Justice and the Marginalised

Pedagogical issues – Concept & Nature of Social Science/Social Studies, Class Room Processes, activities and discourse, Developing Critical thinking, Enquiry/Empirical Evidence, Problems of teaching Social Science/Social Studies, Sources – Primary & Secondary, Projects Work, Evaluation


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