BSEB Bihar TET Admit Card
Exam hall ticket Download
The hall tickets can be easily downloaded from the official website and, As the online application form submission form has been completed by the Board, the aspirants will go through the written test for the Paper 1 and Paper 2. To sit in the examination, they require to obtain the Hall Tickets (Exam Admit card) from the website of the Bihar Board Authority. Please go through the article to get all the necessary details regarding the Admit card here.
How to download BETET Admit Card 2017
Below, we have discussed detailed procedure through which the candidates will easily download the admit card to reduce their anxiety.
- At first, the candidates should log on to the official website of the board and
- In the next step, you are required to find the link of Bihar TET Admit Card, in the front page
- Click on the link after you found it
- Then, you should fill it up with all of the mandatory information requisite for the verification
- Click on the submit button
- In few seconds, your admit card will be generated and appeared on the screen
- Download it and don’t forget to save it on your computer
- You must take a print out of it and carry it during the examination.
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