Study Webs of Active Learning
for Young Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM)
The Central Human Resource Department is providing free online learning facility from class 10 to post graduation on the platform of digital education.People with any profession can take advantage of this digital education platform to increase their knowledge.
Text and video will be available here. The department has given the name of this platform as ‘Self’ and ‘Self Prabha’. On the other hand, hundreds of courses will be delivered through DTH channels, tablets and mobiles. More than a thousand experts from the Institute like IIT, JNU, Delhi University and Anna University have prepared the course. These courses will be free, Credit will also be given to the students of the Institute of clearing these courses. Courses that qualify will be awarded with the certificate of National Academic Depository.
Self-assessment is available on the platform. Instead of going to class, online studies can be done. Even educational institutions of Bihar should also use this digital platform “SWAYAM”.