Online Application for PGMAT 2014 BCECEB(PGMAT)-2014/01 Dated : 31.12.2013

    MD/MS/PGD, MDS & MD(Ayurveda)

    I.A.S. Association Building, Near Patna Airport, Patna-14.

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    Advt. No.- BCECEB(PGMAT)-2014/01 Dated : 31.12.2013
    Online applications on prescribed form are invited for appearing in the Post Graduate Medical Admission Test (PGMAT)-2014 in order to select candidates for admission to the FIRST YEAR of the following Post Graduate Degree/ Diploma Courses ;
    (i) MD / MS / PG Diploma (PGD) Courses in Patna Medical College, Patna , Darbhanga Medical College, Darbhanga , Nalanda
    Medical College, Patna , A.N.M. Medical College, Gaya, J.L.N.M.C., Bhagalpur, S.K.M.C., Muzaffarpur and IGIMS Medical
    College, Patna for the session 2014.
    (ii) State Quota of MD/MS/PG Diploma Courses in Katihar Medical College, Katihar & MGM Medical College, Kishanganj for the
    session 2014.
    (iii) MDS Course in Patna Dental College, Patna for the session 2014.
    (iv) MD (Ayurveda) in Govt. Ayurvedic College, Patna for the session 2014.
    2. Eligibility criteria and instructions and other details are available in the prospectus of PGMAT-2014 which can be downloaded from the Board’s website : (i) (ii) (See para 3 below).
    3. PROCUREMENT OF APPLICATION FORM & PROSPECTUS AND TEST FEE : The Application Form and Prospectus for
    appearing in PGMAT-2014 can be downloaded Online from the latest updates column of BCECE Board’s website : & (ii) by clicking on the link “ENTRANCE NOTES – Online Application Form for PGMAT-2014”.
    (i) Step One (Registration) : For registration, the candidate is required to fill in Part-A of the Application Form. appearing on computer screen. After filling in the part-A of the Application Form online, the candidate will get a Registration Number and the password on the computer screen. Such Registration Number and Password must be noted and preserved for future use. The Registration Number as obtained will be the Username of the applicant / Candidate.
    (ii) Step Two (Procurement of Bank Challan & Test Fee) : After visiting again the website of the BCECE Board, the candidate should click payment submission link and enter Registration Number and password and then by clicking “login” button, he will get Bank Challan in triplicate which contains the details of the candidate, as he/she had filled earlier in Step- One. Then candidate should download the Bank Challan in triplicate (consisting of Bank’s Copy, Board’s Copy & Candidate’s Copy) and using the Bank Chalan, he/ she should then deposite PGMAT-2014 Test Fee i.e. Rs.1300/- (one thousand three hundred Rupees) in any Branch of State Bank of India. After depositing the aforesaid test fee, the SBI Branch will return to the candidate, the Board’s copy & Candidate’s copy of the paid challan. The Transaction ID / Journal number. of the “PAID BANK CHALLAN” mentioned therein must be noted by the candidate.
    (iii) Step Three (Test Fee & Online submission of Application Form): Thereafter, the candidate is to visit the Board’s website and
    again fill in “Online” Part B of the Application Form by entering Registration number, Password and Transaction ID / Journal Number.
    The online Application Form (Part A & Part B) as filled in by the candidate must be checked completely and carefully as the
    provision for any rectification / modification in online submitted Application Form (Part A & Part B) will not be allowed.
    After such careful checking the passport size photograph of high contrast of the candidate and his full signature in Hindi and
    English (Not in Capital letters) are to be scanned and entered at the specified space of the online Application Form. A print-out of the completely filled in online Application Form (Part-A and Part-B) must be obtained.
    NOTE : The candidate must note that after submission of the Application Form, it cannot be withdrawn. Claim for refund of Test
    Fee will also be not entertained.
    (iv) Step Four (Dispatch of Application Form, enclosures and paid challan by Registered / Speed Post) : The print out of the ‘Online’
    filled in Application Form (Part-A & Part-B) as obtained by the candidate should be processed further as per the directions given hereunder:-
    (a) Passport size photograph (the same as scanned and submitted online) be pasted on the specified space.
    (b) Put signature in Hindi and English (Not in Capital letter) at specified space.
    (c) Give the declaration as per the text printed on the Application Form (at column-17. of Part-B of the Application Form) at
    specified space in your own handwriting (not in capital letters).
    (d) Attach the Board’s Copy of the paid challan with the Application Form.
    (e) Attach the Application Form, the photo copies of the certificate / documents as mentioned in Para-12.2 of the prospectus of
    4. i. The envelop containing the Application Form (Part-A and Part-B) alongwith enclosures, completed as per the process mentioned above, must be superscribed – “APPLICATION FOR PGMAT-2014″
    ii. The envelope used for the above purpose must be of white colour of 12″ x 6.5” size.
    iii. One envelope should contain Application Form of only one candidate.
    iv. Application Form with its enclosures put in envolope must be sent by Registered / Speed Post only to the “Controller of
    Examination, BCECE Board, I.A.S. Bhawan, Near Patna Airport, P.O.- B.V.College Campus, Patna – 800014.
    5. Important dates for PGMAT-2014 :
    (i) Online Registration starting date ………………………………………………………………………………….. : 02.01.2014
    (ii) Online Registration closing date…………………………………………………………………………………… : 22.01.2014
    (iii) Last date for Submitting challan in the Bank ………………………………………………………………. : 22.01.2014
    (iv) The hard copy of the online submitted application form (Part-A & Part-B)
    alongwith paid Bank Challan & enclosures dispatched by Registered / Speed
    Post must reach at the specified address mentioned in para 4(iv) above latest by……… : 29.01.2014 (5.00 P.M.)
    (v) Proposed date of Examination………………………………………………………………………………………. : 09.03.2014

    Controller of Examination
    Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board

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