Bihar Board Class 10th Atom Bomb Question Paper 2018
BSEB New Pattern Model Question Paper Series 2018
BSEB Matric Atom Bomb Question Paper 2018 for Guessing important Questions. As we all know that every year students before going to exam they revise model question paper and previous question paper to get high marks in the examination. Therefore all students are advised to Atom Bomb Question series and solve it before the exam to get the high percentage on the Board exam. If you will get the 1st division in the 10th class exam. Bihar Government will give you the prize of Rs.15000/-. So Students should have to try the get 1st division.
Bihar Board 10th Science Question Papers :
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ icon=”arrow” expand_text=”Bihar Board 10th Science Question Papers :“collapse_text=”Show Less” ] Time: 3 Hrs Max Marks: 90
General Instructions:
A) The question paper comprises of two sections, A and B. You are to attempt both the sections.
B) All questions are compulsory.
C) There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in all the five questions
of five marks category. Only one option in such questions is to be attempted.
D) All questions of section A and all questions of section B are to be attempted separately.
E) Question number 1 to 4 in section A are one mark questions. These are to be answered in one
word or in one sentence.
F) Questions numbers 5 to 11 in section A are two marks questions. These are to be answered in
about 30 words each.
G) Questions numbers 12 to 23 in section A are three marks questions. These are to be answered
in about 50 words each.
H) Questions numbers 24 to 27 in section A are five marks questions. These are to be answered in
about 70 words each.
I) Questions number 28 to 42 in section B are multiple choice questions based on practical skills.
Each question is a one mark question. You are to select one most appropriate response out of
the four provided to you.
1. A reaction between a substance X with NaCl forms a white precipitate. Identify X.
2. Name one Metal and one Non-Metal that exist in liquid state at room temperature?
3. What are the two disadvantages of burning fossil fuels?
4. A wire of resistance 50 ohms is stretched to five times its original length. Calculate its new
5. HCl and HNO3 show acidic characteristics in aqueous solution while alcohol and glucose
solutions do not. Give reasons.
6. What is Plaster of Paris? How is it obtained from Gypsum? Write the chemical reaction. Give
one use of Plaster of Paris.
7. Answer the following:
a) What happens when Iron nails are kept in a Copper sulphate solution? Write the balanced
chemical equation for the reaction.
b) Give one example of precipitation reaction.
8. A chemical heated in a test tube produced brown fumes leaving a black residue. Name the
chemical and the compound, which is left off, as a black residue.
9. A copper wire, having resistance R, is cut into four equal parts. (i) Find the resistance of each
part in terms of original resistance of the wire and (ii) Find the resistance of the combination if
these four parts are connected in parallel.
10. Identify the substance oxidized and reduced in these reactions.
a) 4Na (s) + O2 (g) 2Na2O (s)
b) CuO (s) + H2 (g) Cu (s) + H2O (l)
11. Stomata of desert plants remain closed during day time. How do they intake carbon dioxide
and perform photosynthesis?
12. List any three limitations of the energy obtained from the oceans.
13. Write chemical equations for the reactions taking place when
i) zinc sulphide is heated in air
ii) calcination of zinc carbonate is done
14. Justify the statement, “Hydrogen is a cleaner and better fuel than CNG”.
15. Answer the following:
a) What is the main ore of mercury?
b) Explain, how mercury is obtained from this ore?
c) Write the reaction involved in the extraction.
16. An electrician puts a fuse of rating 5A in that part of domestic electrical circuit in which an
electrical heater of rating 1.5 KW, 220 V is operating. What is likely to happen in this case and
why? What change, if any needs to be made?
17. Name the excretory unit of a kidney. Glomeruli are referred to as dialysis bags. Give reasons.
18. A magnetic compass is placed near a current carrying wire. What will you observe?
i) When the current in the wire is increased.
ii) When the magnetic compass is displaced away from the wire?
iii) When the current in the wire is stopped.
19. Answer the following:
a) Name 2 metals which get tarnished.
b) Why does this happen?
c) Why is corrosion harmful?
20. Answer the following:
i) Graphs between electric current and potential difference across two conductors A and B are
plotted as shown in figure. Which of the two conductors has more resistance?
ii) Why are coil of electric toasters and electric irons made of an alloy rather than a pure metal?
21. Answer the following:
i) What is meant by ‘Electrical resistivity of a conductor’?
ii) A copper wire has diameter 0.5 mm and resistivity of 1.6 × 10-8 Ωm. What will be the
length of this wire to make its resistance of 10 Ω?
22. Answer the following:
i) How can three resistors of resistances 2 Ω, 3 Ω and 6 Ω be connected to give a total
resistance of 4 Ω and 1 Ω?
ii) In a house-hold electric circuit different appliances are connected in parallel to one another.
Give two reasons.
23. Answer the following:
a) Why do endocrine glands release their secretion into blood?
b) Deficiency of which hormone leads to dwarfism.
c) Name the hormone which inhibits growth and causes wilting of leaves.
24. Answer the following:
a) Write chemical equations for the following word equations :
i) Hydrogen + Chlorine ! Hydrogen Chloride
ii) Sodium + Water ! Sodium Hydroxide + Hydrogen
iii) Zinc Oxide + Carbon ! Zinc + Carbon monoxide.
b) Balance the following chemical equations.
i) H2SO4 + NaOH ! Na2SO4 + H2O
ii) NaCl + AgNO3 ! AgCl + NaNO3
a) Give reasons for the following.
i) Oil and fat containing food items (Chips) are flushed with Nitrogen. Give reason.
ii) Respiration is considered an exothermic reaction. Explain why?
b) Name the type of chemical reactions taking place when:-
i) Lime stone is heated.
ii) Magnesium ribbon is burnt in air.
iii) Iron nails are dipped in copper sulphate solution.
25. Answer the following:
a) What is the direction of magnetic field lines inside a bar-magnet?
b) Why two magnetic field lines cannot intersect each other?
c) What is indicated by crowding of magnetic field lines in a given region?
d) What is the frequency of A.C. in India?
e) State one advantage of A.C. over D.C.
a) With the help of an activity, explain the method of inducing electric current in a coil with a
moving magnet. State the rule used to find the direction of electric current thus generated in
the coil.
b) Two circular coils A and B are kept close to each other, of which coil A carries a current.
What will you observe in B?
i) If current in the coil A is changed?
ii) If both the coils are moved in the same direction with the same speed? Give reason.
26. Answer the following:
a) What is the role of following in digestion of food –
i) mucous
ii) HCl
iii) bile
b) Draw diagram to show the nutrition in amoeba and label the part used for this purpose.
a) Draw a neat diagram of excretory system of human beings and label the following
i) Kidney
ii) Ureter
iii) Urinary Bladder
iv) Urethr
b) Describe the working of artificial Kidney?
27. Answer the following:
a) What does the transport system of plant consists of?
b) What do you mean by double circulation of blood?
c) Draw a neat diagram of heart. Locate the
i) Aorta
ii) Pulmonary artery
On sports day, Rohit fell on the ground and shrieked in pain as he had cramps in his right leg.
His friend Rahul started massing Rohit’s calf muscles. After a while Rohit felt better and was
able to move with any support.
a) What was the cause of Rohit’s muscle pain?
b) Name the process which was responsible for this pain?
c) Do you think Rahul was helpful?
d) Draw a neat diagram of lungs and label the following:
i) Pharynx
ii) alveolus
28. Heating ferrous sulphate is an example of which type of reaction?
a) Thermal decomposition reaction
b) Double displacement reaction
c) Catalytic decomposition reaction
d) Double decomposition reaction
29. A colourless and odourless gas is liberated when hydrochloric acid is added to a solution of
washing soda. The name of the gas is
a) Nitrogen dioxide
b) Sulphur dioxide
c) Sulphur trioxide
d) Carbon dioxide
30. A drop of solution ‘X’ is placed on a strip of pH paper. A deep red colour in produced. The
solution ‘X’ is:
a) NaOH
b) Water
c) HCl
d) Na2CO3
31. About 3-4g of a substance X is taken in a beaker and water is poured over it. It produces a
hissing noise with bubbles and the beaker becomes hot. What type of reaction takes place?
a) Decomposition
b) Neutralization
c) Combination
32. A compound Y forms the enamel of the teeth which does not dissolve in water but gets
corroded when pH is below 5.5. Identify Y.
a) calcium phosphite
b) calcium phosphate
c) calcium diphosphate
d) calcium monophosphate
33. Four metals Mg, Zn, Fe and Cu were taken in different test tubes and dil.hydrochloric acid was
added to it. Find which metal undergoes colour change in the test tube.
a) Zn
b) Mg
c) Cu
d) Fe
34. The stain used in the preparation of temporary mount of a leaf peel to observe stomata is:
a) safranin
b) methylene blue
c) glycerin
d) iodine solution
35. Before setting up an experiment to show that seeds release CO2 during respiration, the seeds
should be:
a) dried completely
b) boiled to make them soft
c) soaked in vinegar
d) kept moist until they germinate
36. While preparing a temporary stained mount of a leaf epidermal peel, the extra stain is removed
a) washing with water
b) washing with calcium chloride
c) soaking with filter paper
d) absorbing with cotton wool
37. To determine that light is essential for photosynthesis, following are the steps, but not in
i) Pluck the leaf and do the starch test.
ii) Keep the selected plant in sunlight.
iii) Destarch the plant for 48 – 72 hours
iv) Cover the leaf with black paper strip.
The correct sequence is
a) (iii), (i), (ii), (iv)
b) (iii), (ii), (iv), (i)
c) (iii), (iv), (ii), (i)
d) (i), (ii), (iv), (iii)
38. The electrical resistivity of few materials is given below in ohm meter. Which of these
materials can be used for making element of a heating device?
a) Material A having resistivity 6.84 × 10-8
b) Material A having resistivity 1.60 × 10-8
c) Material A having resistivity 2.30 × 10-17
d) Material A having resistivity 1 × 10-6
39. Instrument used to measure electric current is
a) Voltmeter
b) Ammeter
c) Rheostat
d) Generator
40. An ammeter has a range of (0-5) amperes and there are 50 divisions on its scale. What is its
least count?
a) 1.0 A
b) 0.001 A
c) 0.1 A
d) 0.01 A
41. A voltmeter has a least count of 0.05 volt. While doing Ohm’s law experiment, a student
observed that the pointer of the voltmeter coincides with 12th division, the observed reading is:
a) 0.60 V
b) 0.060 V
c) 6.0 V
d) 60 V
42. You are given four voltmeters of given ranges. The correct choice of voltmeter for doing the
experiment with a battery of 4.5 V is:
a) Voltmeter with range of 0 – 1 V
b) Voltmeter with range of 0 – 3 V
c) Voltmeter with range of 0 – 4 V
d) Voltmeter with range of 0 – 5 V
43. A student connects a circuit to study Ohm’s law using a resistor of 3 ohm and a battery
eliminator of 6 V. Which of the ammeter should be chosen to read the value of current for this
circuit, if the ammeters available in the laboratory have the following ranges?
a) 0 – 200 m A
b) 0 – 100 mA
c) 0 – 1 A
d) 0 – 2 A