97021 seats in Arts Stream in 57 colleges under BRABU for Graduation Admission


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>Application for enrollment in Graduation will take place to total number of 57 government and affiliated colleges.

>11910 seats in commerce , more than 28 thousand seats in arts.

There are more seats in Arts subject for students of six districts of North Bihar. These seats are three and a half times more in comparison to Science. Total no of seats in Arts subject is 97021.

B R A BIHAR UNIVERSITY has sent the number of seats in total 57 colleges to Bihar School Examination Committee. Arts subject is being taught in all the 57 colleges of BIHAR UNIVERSITY. Among these there are 40 government colleges and 17 affiliated colleges. This time enrollment will also take place in the Intermediate college of Sheohar.

There are 1 lakh 37 thousand and 46 seats in Arts, Science and Commerce in the colleges of BRABU11910 seats are for Commerce. On the other hand there are more than 28 thousand seats for Science. These colleges are of Muzaffarpur, East, West Champaran, Sitamadhi, Sheohar and Vaishali Districts.This time Centralise Online Enrollment Arrangement has been done in Graduation across the State. Students will apply on the website of Bihar School Examination Committee. Students can apply for enrollment to any of the colleges of the Provinces.

Board will issue the list of the students according to the merit list .In case seats are not filled Board will issue merit list three times.After this

if the seats are vacant then the college can enroll at its own level.

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