Indira Gandhi National Open University
List of Online Programs
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Certificate in Tribal Studies (CTRBS)
The Certificate Programme in Tribal Studies (CTRBS) is an extension of the University’s efforts towards addressing the wider issues of tribal development. The programme aims to support individuals working in the social and welfare service sector targeted for the tribals to acquire professional education and will enable them to be trained, educated which in turn will help them better understand the issues and remove the bias if any formed during the course of their work.
Eligibility for admission: 10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration of the programme: Minimum 06 Month;Maximum 02 years
Fee Structure:Rs. 900/- for full programme (exclusive of examination fee) + Exam Fees as decided by the University.
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Contact no.:011-29571695
Post Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGDGPS)
The Post Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGDGPS) Programme is a 32 credit programme. It is designed to equip students to develop skills required for understanding Gandhian approach to peace from the interdisciplinary perspective and comprehend Gandhi’s views and perceptions on economic, social, political, environmental, and development, related issues. The diploma holder can join Third Semester MA in Gandhi and Peace Studies under a modular approach after paying the prescribed fees.
Programme Objectives
- To impart knowledge particularly to young people on the thoughts and ideas of Gandhi on economic, social, political development and environment.
- To develop skills in peace making and peace building.
- To develop peace methods from the interdisciplinary perspective.
- To train the participants in peace building and conflict resolution in real life situations.
- To enable the Diploma holders to join Media, NGOs, Teaching and Research.
Eligibility for admission: Any graduate.
Age: No Bar
Medium of Instruction:English
Duration of the programme: Minimum 01 Year Maximum 03 years
Fee structure:Rs.3,700/- (including Registration Fee)+ Exam Fees as decided by the University.
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Programme Cordinator : Prof. D.Gopal Professor
Mobile No:9873497720
Post Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGCGPS)
The Post Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGCGPS). It is a 16 credits Programme designed for young graduates and teachers, NGO functionaries, political leaders and adults in general for improving their education and understanding of Gandhi in the contemporary context. The participants of this programme will be able to identify and apply the peaceful solutions at the local as well as higher levels. A certificate holder can continue his studies for Postgraduate Diploma as well as MA in Gandhi and Peace Studies under modular approach.
Programme Objectives
- To promote the Gandhian concept of peace and social regeneration.
- To spread Gandhi’s vision of peace and non-violent activism.
- To understand Gandhi’s concept of World Order for Global Peace and Security.
- To develop Peace and Conflict Resolution from the Interdisciplinary perspective.
Eligibility for admission: Any graduate.
Age: Minimum No bar Maximum No bar
Medium of Instruction:English
Duration of the programme: Minimum 06 Months Maximum 02 year
Fee structure:Rs.2,200/- (including Registration Fee)+ Exam Fees as decided by the University.
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Programme Coordinator : Prof. D.Gopal
Mobile No:9873497720
Certificate Programme In Peace Studies and Conflict Management (CPSCM)
Eligibility for admission: In accordance with the university’s general policy of openness and flexibility vis-à-vis eligibility criteria any student with +two (10+2) qualification is eligible for admission. Those, who don’t posses 10+2 qualification can also be admitted after clearing IGNOU’s Preparatory Programme.
Age: Minimum No bar Maximum No bar
Medium of Instruction:English
Duration of the programme: Minimum 06 Months Maximum 02 years
Fee structure:Rs.3,500/- (including Registration Fee)+ Exam Fees as decided by the University.
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Programme Coordinator : Prof. D.Gopal
Mobile No:9873497720
Diploma in Tourism Studies (DTS)
The programme is aimed at familiarising you with varied aspects of Tourism creating awareness about tourism, imparting basic training in organising Tourism services and opening career opportunities.
Eligibility for admission: 10+2 or its equivalent OR BPP from IGNOU
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration of the programme: Minimum 01 year, Maximum 04 years
Fee Structure:Initial Launch fee: Rs.4,500/- for full programme (exclusive of examination fee) + Exam Fees as decided by the University.
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Programme Coordinator Dr. Paramita Suklabaidya, Associate Professor
Email Id:
Contact no.: 011- 29571757
M.A. in Translation Studies (MATS)
The MATS programme intends to familiarise the learners with the theory and practices of translation. It is built around the concept of integrating learning with research in the vast areas of translation practices in the contemporary time. The programme provides opportunity for translators to explore job opportunities as academics and translators by honing their translation skills. As a fundamental act of cultural and knowledge exchange, it has become a key issue for accessing and managing knowledge as its various aspects: Acquisition, Preservations, Creation, Dissemination and Application among others. It underscores the importance of Translation Training as vital for knowledge dissemination in the global world. This programme consists of 12 courses and a major project comprising practical component.
Eligibility for admission: Graduate in any discipline with adequate knowledge of Hindi and English.
Age: Minimum No bar Maximum No bar
Medium of Instruction:Hindi
Duration of the programme: Minimum 2 years Maximum 05 years
Fee structure:Rs. 9,600/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 4,800/- per year.+ Exam Fees as decided by the University.
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Programme Coordinator
- Dr. R. P. Pandey
Phone No:011-29571628/29571624
Email: - Dr. Jagdish Sharma
Phone No:011-29571625
Master of Arts (Hindi) (MAH)
This Programme exposes learners to a wide range of Hindi literature. It consists of courses worth 64 credits. The programme can be completed in a minimum period of two years and a maximum period of five years.
Eligibility for admission: Bachelor’s Degree or a higher degree from a recognised University.
Age: Minimum No bar Maximum No bar
Medium of Instruction: Hindi
Duration of the programme: Minimum 2 Years Maximum 05 year
Fee structure:Rs. 12000/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 6000/- Fee to be paid in 1st year, including Registration Fee of Rs.200/-is Rs.6,200/- + Exam Fees as decided by the University.
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Ph: 01129572776, 01129572752
Mobile No:
M.A. in Gandhi and Peace Studies (MGPS)
The main objective of the programme is to promote both theoretical and applied research in Gandhian Studies, Peace, Conflict Management and Social Regeneration. In the age of globalisation, there is a need for alternative models of development. Today across the world Gandhian studies are being looked upon as an important contribution towards this objectives. The Masters Programme in Gandhi and Peace Studies is a specialised area for those who are interested in understanding evaluation and implementation of Gandhian model of development and conflict resolution. Accordingly, the course contains Gandhi’s views and perceptions on economic, social, gender, political, environmental and sustainable development issues. It also contains critiques and evaluation of Gandhian concepts, its relevance in the contemporary world and contributions made by Gandhian scholars in further development of Gandhian thought and progress. The primary thrust of the programme is to expose learners, particularly the younger generation, to the thoughts and ideas of Gandhi and its place in the contemporary globalised world.
A learner has to earn 64 credits to complete the Master programme. The programme is offered in a semester mode. There are 4 semesters. Thus, a student has to earn 64 credits in 4 semesters which means 16 credits per semester.
Programme Objectives
- To provide opportunities for higher studies to the learners.
- To provide quality education at post-graduate level in theoretical and applied Gandhian Studies, Peace, Conflict Management, and Social Regeneration.
- To provide an in-depth knowledge in the area of Peace and Conflict Resolution and enable the learners to specialise in one of the Gandhian models of development.
- To provide the learners opportunities for continuing higher education at the Doctoral level.
- To widen the scope of the learners for further research, training and career opportunities in economic, social, gender, political, environmental and sustainable development issues.
- To enable the learners to join careers in teaching, research, NGOs in Peacemaking, and peace building from the interdisciplinary perspective.
Eligibility for admission: Bachelor’s degree or a higher degree in any discipline from a recognised University. The programme is offered through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode throughout the country both in Hindi and English Medium.
Age: Minimum No bar Maximum No bar
Medium of Instruction:English & Hindi
Duration of the programme: Minimum 02 Years Maximum 05 year
Fee structure:Rs. 9,000 (i.e First year Rs 4,500 and Second Year Rs. 4,500) + Exam Fees as decided by the University.
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Programme Coordinator
Prof. D.Gopal
Mobile No:9873497720
Bachelor of Tourism (BTS)
BTS is a 3-year Degree Programme. The programme is of 96 credits. The BTS Programme is designed for those students who are interested in pursuing a career in travel and tourism sector at different level. The Programme is aimed at familiarizing you with varied aspects of Tourism, creating awareness about tourism, imparting basic training in organizing Tourism services and opening career opportunities
Eligibility for admission: 10+2 OR its equivalent OR BPP from IGNOU
Age: Minimum No bar Maximum No bar
Medium of Instruction: English & Hindi
Duration of the programme: Minimum 03 Years Maximum 06 year. offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee structure:Rs. 10,200/- for full programme to be paid year wise @Rs. 3,400/- per year + Exam Fees as decided by the University.
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Programme Coordinator
Dr. Arvind K Dubey
Assistant Professor, SOTHSM
Ph: +91-011-29571754
Mobile No:
Certificate Programme in Library and Information Science (CLIS)
The Certificate Programme in Library and Information Science (CLIS) is being launched with an objective to cater to the staffing needs of rural libraries as well as for imparting basic skills and training in library management. Since most rural libraries are being managed by untrained persons, it will provide them an opportunity to takeup basic training in library and information science profession.
The CLIS Programme is meant to impart skills and training necessary for the effective organisation and management of libraries and information units in the country in the present day context and providing varieties of library and information services with the help of IT wherever possible. The medium of instruction is English at present. However, students can write their assignments and TEE in Hindi language as well.
The main objectives of the Programme are to:
- Sensitise library and information science professionals at grass root level.
- Impart basic skills and training in library management and information handling.
- Give an opportunity of professional slkill development to those who are already working in libraries and not having any professional qualification.
Eligibility for admission: 10+2 Passed or BPP from IGNOU
Age: Minimum No bar Maximum No bar
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration of the programme: Minimum 6 Months Maximum 2 year
Fee structure:Rs.3000/- + Exam Fees as decided by the University.
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Programme Coordinator
Dr. Archana Shukla
Faculty of Library & Information Science, SOSS
Ph: +91-11-29572743, 29572723
Mobile No: 901369917
Certificate in Information Technology (CIT)
This programme aims to introduce the concepts of Hardware, Software, Multimedia and Internet technologies. Also, included is a laboratory course where the student gets hands-on experience.
The main objectives of CIT are :
- Introduce the basics of Computer hardware and software concepts
- Develop algorithms and flowcharts for problem solving
- Introduce programming concepts
- Introduce various aspects of Computer communication
- Introduce the concept of Networking
- Introduce social, legal and ethical aspects of IT
- Discuss the role of IT in various fields such as Business, Governance, Education and Medicine
- Introduce the concept of Information System.
- Discuss the latest trends in IT
- Discuss the basic principles of Internet
- Search for information on Internet
- Discuss various applications of Internet
- Discuss the issue related to design of a web page
- Introduce the concept of Multimedia
- Introduce the process of working with MS-Windows and Linux
- Develop and execute programs using C language
- Create databases
- Create Web Pages
Eligibility for admission:10th Standard OR SSC OR IGNOU’S BPP or Microsoft’s DLC or equivalent
Age: Minimum No bar Maximum No bar
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration of the programme: Minimum 6 Months – Maximum 02 year
Fee structure:The programme fee is Rs.6000/- and is to be paid in lump sum at the time of registration to the programme. + Exam Fees as decided by the University.
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Programme Coordinator :
Dr.Shashi Bhushan
Associate Professor, SOCIS
Mobile No: +919871683038
Certificate in Tourism Studies (CTS)
In recent years tourism has developed as an industry employing large number of people. Numerous operational areas in tourism also offer immense opportunities for entrepreneurs to establish their own business big or small. Yet Tourism Studies as an academic discipline is not very well developed. Opportunities for its study are also limited. A large number of the work force has had no formal study in various aspects of tourism. These programmes have been developed keeping in mind people who in future intend to make their career in some branch of tourism, or are already working in tourism related areas at various levels.
Eligibility for admission: 10+2 or its equivalent
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration of the programme: Minimum 06 Month;Maximum 01 year
Fee Structure:Initial Launch fee: Rs. 1800/- for full programme (exclusive of examination fee) + Exam Fees as decided by the University.
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Programme Coordinator
Dr. Paramita Suklabaidya
Associate Professor
Email Id:
Contact no.: 011-29571755, 011-29571759
Certificate in Arabic Language (CAL)
This programme aims at acquainting the beginners with essential rudiments of the Arabic Language, and gradually and systematically inculcates in them an ability to speak, write and read the language with a certain degree of accuracy and confidence.
Eligibility for admission: 10+2, Or Minimum 18 years of age
Medium of Instruction: Arabic and English
Duration of the programme: Minimum 06 Month Maximum 01 year
Fee structure:Initial launch Fee Rs. 1800/- for full programme (exclusive of examination fee) + Exam Fees as decided by the University.
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Programme Coordinator
Dr. Mohammad Saleem
Assistant Professor in Arabic
Contact no.: 09013741887, 011-29571637
Certificate in Russian Language (CRUL)
The Certificate in Russian Language is six- month programme of 20 Credits. The programme aims at providing beginners with basics of Russian Language. The objective of the programme is to introduce learners to the basics of Russian grammar and phonetics so that they can read, write, listen and speak Russian in an accurate manner. The programme is bilingual (Russian/English) in medium. The Programme will enable learners to speak and write Russian with confidence in their daily communications.
Eligibility for admission: Minimum age 18 years. No formal qualification is required Class 10 level of English proficiency is desiable.
Medium of Instruction: Russian and English
Duration of the programme: Minimum 06 Month; Maximum 01 year
Fee structure:Initial Launch fee: Rs. 2500/- for full programme (exclusive of examination fee) + Exam Fees as decided by the University.
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Assistant Professor (Russian)
Ph: 011-29571640
Mobile No: +91-9810018240