
NCTE Course Compulsary for B.Ed Pass Teacher- Online Registration starts from 9 October 2017

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The teachers who have B.Ed. degree will have register with NIOS portal after October 9th. Those teachers who are graduates with B.Ed and want to teach at primary level Class I to V, a 6-months bridge course recognized by NCTE is under consideration. Therefore, all such teachers must also register on NIOS portal after 9th October 2017 .

There are more than 2000 primary teachers in Bihar who do not have the formal teaching training. These teachers, having a B.Ed. degree, have to asked to complete D.El.Ed before March 15th, 2019 to continue teaching the primary class. 1.66 Lakh of teachers have applied for the Diploma in elementry education (D.El.Ed) after the ministry of human resource development (HRD) made the course mandatory for all primary school teachers.

Last date of submitting the online application form was 30th September 2017.

Click to Apply online on the NIOS Portal : wait link will be activated soon…..