Magadh University

MAGADH UNIVERSITY, BODH GAYA – Admission in Vocational Courses – Admission Form/ Course Offered/Admit card


The Magadh University is going organise an admission program for Vocational Courses inviting the eligible and interested candidates those has been completed their schooling by passing class 12th and Graduation from one of the recognised institutes of India. For the admission in Vocational courses can be applied. So the candidate those satisfying all the eligibility criteria has to fill an application form on or before the last date.

  • Application forms duly filed in and complete in all respect must reach latest by 10.06.2018 at 5:00 PM
  • All admission will be through Entrance Test to be held in the respective departments/ institute/ Vocational center.
  • Entrance & Counselling/ P.I will be done in the Department on 30.06.2018.
  • Prospectus can be obtained from the Department on Payment of Rs. 500/- for General/OBC candidates and Rs. 250/- for SC/ST/Divyang and Women candidates. You can also request for the prospectus by post from the respective departments by sending a D.D in favour of Concenrned Department name payable at Gaya/ Bodh Gaya, amounting to the afore-mentioned prospectus fees plus Rs. 50 for postal charges.
  • e-prospectus can also be downloaded from the website –
  • Application form must be submitted at the concerned department and must be accompanied by the xerox copies of the required certifcates.
  • if you have downloaded the prospectus from the website: Cash/ DD of Rs. 500 + the fees of the prospectus.
  • If you have purchased the prospectus from the department: Cash/ DD of Rs. 500/ depending upon your category mentioned above.

click Here to download Vocational Part III Examination Admit Card – 2018

Click Here to Download Vocational Course Admit Card

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Download Vocational course Admission Form

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Vocational course Admission Form”]

List of Vocational Courses offered

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