LNMU B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (Hons./Sub./Gen./Voc.) Part 1 Exam Held on 08th June 2018,Examination Center/Admit Card/Routine

LNMU Darbhanga BCA BBA

LNMU B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (Hons./Sub./Gen./Voc.) Part – I Examination 2018 Examination will be held on 08th June 2018 .Examination will be held on 34 center in 8 states.Examination will be held on two shift, first shift will be start on 10am to 01:00pm and second shift will be start on 2:00pm to 05:00pm. Examination controller said that examination routine will be published and Admit card also be issued in LNMU Website.

Examination Routine :lnmu part1 routine

lnmu part1 routine2

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