Bihar BSSC Agriculture Coordinator Result 2016
After finishing of Counselling of Agriculture Coordinator (Krishi Samanvayak), the result will be announced at official website of In this counselling about 1800 candidates have called for submit demanded prepatra and original documents which related to educational, caste, residence etc.
As you know that Merit List of agriculture coordinator on educational base have already been made by the commission. And on the basis of that they are calling for Interview. Now the Bihar Staff Selection Commission will declared the Final Selection List of those candidates who will find straight at the time of counselling.
- ResultofAGC 1
- ResultofAGC 2
- ResultofAGC 3
- ResultofAGC 5
- ResultofAGC 6
- ResultofAGC 12
- ResultofAGC 11
- ResultofAGC 10
- ResultofAGC 9
- ResultofAGC 8
- ResultofAGC 7
- ResultofAGC 4
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