Part one exam session 2017
BRABU Muzaffarpur
Bihar University has decided finally to take exam of Graduation first year. Well exam is proposed to commence from 16th of August. Exam will be in two shifts. First shift from 9 AM and Second shift from 1:30 PM. All the subjects divided in to eight categories.
First group divided in to A, C, E, G and Second in to B, D, H, F.
Group A consists of Maithli, LSWU, zoology, and Commerce.
Group B consists of Chemistry, Nepali, Persian, PK & J and Physics.
Group C consists of Economics, Botany, Maths, Urdu and Bengali.
Group D consists of History
Group E consists of AIH & C, Psychology, SANSKRIT, Music, Bhojpuri, Geology.
Group F consists of Sociology, English and Darshan Sastra.
Group G consists of Electronics Homescience.
Group H consists of Political science and Hindi.