Bihar Board BSEB Matric Result 2018, Board Releases Grace Marks Rules

Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB)

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Bihar Board 10th 2018 Examinations that is conducted by the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) began from February 21st 2018 to February 28th 2018. Bihar Board 10th Exam Dates 2018 has been announced by BSEB on the official website. Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) class 12 and Class 10 exams are over. Over 17 lakh students have appeared for the Class 10 exams, this year. The exam was held from 21st to 28th February 2018.  Class 10 exam was held at 1,426 centres across the state. Now all the class 10 students waiting for the declaration of Bihar Board 10th Result 2018. Process of checking answer sheets will be start from 13th March.

How to check Bihar board 10th Result 2018:

  • Step 1: Log on the official site portal
  • Step 2: Enter your Roll No and Date of birth
  • Step 3: Click on the submit button
  • Step 4: Your Bihar Board 10th Result 2018 will be displayed on the computer screen
  • Step 5: Download PDF copy / take a printout of the BSEB  10th Result

Expexted Result Date :

State Exam Name Exam Date Exam Result Date
Bihar Bihar Matric Exam 21st to 28th February 26th May 2018
Bihar Intermediate Arts Exam 6th to 16th February 30th May 2018
Bihar Intermediate Commerce Exam 6th to 16th February 30th May 2018
Bihar Intermediate Science Exam 6th to 16th February 30th May 2018

Passing & grace mark criteria released

Regulations Annual Intermediate Examination Click Here

Regulations Annual Matric Examination Click Here

Students have passed in all subjects except English and Optional Subjects to be declared as passed. Also, for science students, it is mandatory for the students to pass in theory and internal assessment. For Social science students also both the marks would be considered which includes Literacy Activity and Project Work.

Passing criteria is 30 percent. That means, students should obtain a total of at least 30 marks out of 100 marks paper. A student should hence get an aggregate of 150 marks to be qualified as passed.The division of a student shall be decided on the marks obtained in 5 subjects which may be MIL, SIL, Math, Science, Social Science with a total of 500 marks.

grace marks

First Division to be awarded to students above 300 marks and Second Division to students who score 225 – 300 marks. Third Division would be awarded to students who 150 marks or more but less than 225 marks.Grace marks would be awarded to candidates who is failing in one subject by not more than 8% marks or in two subjects by not more than 4% marks. Grace marks would not be awarded to candidates who are appearing in the improvement or compartmental examinations.