brabu muzaffarpur


Apply Offline For M.Ed. Course (2018-2020)

BRABU M.ED(2018-2020) –  B. R. A. Bihar University, Muzaffarpur is Conducting for the Candidate seeking Admission to the M.ED Course. Those Candidate to get Admission to their desired courses and intrested in teaching sector, To apply for the BRABU M.ED(2018-2020) candidates needs to fill the Offline Application form which has already available on the official site

 Click Here M.Ed. Combined Entrance Test Application Form 2018

List of M.Ed. Colleges under B.R.A. Bihar University, Muzaffarpur (Bihar)

CollegeName                                                           Location                                                 Phone

L.N.Mishra College of Business Management                   Muzaffarpur                                        0621-2243071

Bihar M.Ed. Entrance Exam 2017 Important Dates

  • Important Dates
    • Total No. of Seats 50
    •  Date of Starting of form fill up – 05-09-2018
    • Last Date of form fill up -19-09-2018
    • Date of Issue of Admit Card – 22-09-2018
    • Date of Entrance Test – 30-09-2018
    • Proposed Date of Result Publication – 04-10-2018
    • Date of Starting and Ending of Entrance Counselling – 05-10-2018
    • Date of Starting of Academic Session – 08-10-2018


Those Candidates who are Eligible for the Application form for BRABU M.ED(2018-2020) ,are available on the official website on, Candidates should keep ready the following items in your hand before applying Application form :-

1) Email id
2) Mobile no
3) Scanned photo ( 150px x 185 px) : under 100 KB
4) Scanned signature (150 px x 45 px) : under 50 KB
5) Credit card, Net banking or ATM-cum-Debit card

Guidelines for filling-up online application form are available on the official website

Instructions for filling online application form

To apply, Candidates have to follow the following Instructions are given below :

  1. You need to create an account to filled up Application form for M. Ed. Course.
  2. Place the mouse over on “Apply Online” menu.
  3. New user will click on Registration menu for register account.
  4. Registered user click on Login menu with their email and password.
  5. After registration or login user will submit their Application form for M.Ed. Course.
  6. After form submission User will use Debit card/Credit card/Net banking/E-vallet for payment of Rs. 1000 + Rs. 2% (Payment Gateway Charges) Total = Rs. 1020.
  7. Online Application process must be completed on or before 19.09.2018

Eligibility Criteria for BRABU M.ED(2018-2020)

  1. Candidates seeking admission to the M. Ed. programme should have obtained at least 50% marks or an equivalent grade in the following programmes
  2. a) B. Ed.
  3. b) B. A. B.Ed., B.Sc. B.Ed
  4. c) B. EI. Ed.
  5. d) D. EI. Ed. with an undergraduate degree (With 50% marks in each)

BRABU M.ED Ordinance Regulation

Download Ordinance & Regulation  regulation_med

Reservation Policy for M.Ed online application form

  1. Reservation of seats for the candidates of reserved categories shall be as per State Government’s rules.
  2. There of 3% seats will be reserved for Person With Disability (PWD) candidates i.e. Visually Impaired (1%), Hearing Impaired (1%) & Orthopedically Handicapped (1%). These 3% seats are within the intake limit. Percentage of disability will be taken into consideration at the time of selection. The 3% seats of PWD candidates shall be filled up within the seat limit fixed for that particular category to which the PWD candidates belong to.
  3. The reserved category candidates shall have to submit a copy of the certificate mentioning that the candidate belongs to a particular reserved category from an officer not below the rank of S.D.M.

Fee Structure for filling online application form

  1. Form Fee :- Rs. 1000/-
  2. Service Charge :- 2%/-

BRABU M.ED Admit Cards and Result

The Applied Candidates will get the Admit cards from official website on , and result will also be published on site